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Let Kids Be Kids


At Let Kids Be Kids Oklahoma, our mission is to provide public awareness, resources and support for parents, therapists, educators, and youth group leaders,  to help children thrive in the body they were born in.


We believe in the power of exploratory therapy, education, and support to let kids just be kids. 


Join us in advocating for mental health care for all Oklahoma children, without identity politics. 


We are available for speaking engagements to share experience and knowledge in a quickly evolving landscape.


Sunrise over the Wheat Field

About Us

Let Kids Be Kids Oklahoma is a non-partisan independent group, inspired by people with a diverse range of personal beliefs, faith backgrounds and political views.


Our interest relates exclusively to the well-being and safeguarding of young people. Together we work towards a shared belief that no child is born in the wrong body.


We are funded by individual donations and grateful for their generosity. 


Autumn Leaves
Have these issues been explored in depth before affirming, socially transitioning or further cementing the new identity of a gender confused child?

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria
Autism traits
ADHD/ Neurodivergent
Underlying or untreated mood disorders
Depression, anxiety, socially awkard

Difficulty with puberty 
Same sex attraction
Sexual assault
Excessive social media usage or online grooming
Dealing with a difficult life event
New Moon

What are the kids talking about?​ 

Where are they learning about this issue? 

Social media, chat rooms, online research, online quizzes. Algorithms take over.

Please be aware that parents have shared experiences with their children being introduced to sex trafficking on unm
onitored chat rooms, snapchat, etc. 

Sex ed, health, and mental health curriculums, often provided by the nonprofit sector.
Educators and medical professionals, who have been trained in the transgender and beyond continuing education classes. 

Gender affirming therapies.
Political nonprofits being used as mental health resources.

This can be a social contagion within friend groups. 

It is important that you know more about this topic than your child.

It is being introduced to them and parental influence is key. Do not be scared to talk to children about this topic, especially at an age where the parents have more influence. 

Our stance is that education of adults and limited exposure to elementary, middle school and/or autistic children is key. Autistic children have been especially vulnerable to this.
Once a child has been exposed consciously or unconsciously (planting the seeds) with these concepts, their mental health can spiral, which will lead to being more influenced with affirming therapies.  Often these children want to feel special and can be led towards more age-appropriate activities. 

Blue Skies
Information on Adolescent Mental Health Care

Adolescent Mental Health Care is based on the informed consent model. 

The informed consent model, allows for clients who are (self diagnosed) transgender to access hormone treatments and surgical interventions without undergoing mental health evaluation or referral from a mental health specialist.
Planned Parenthood is one the largest providers of hormone treatment and does not require a therapy letter.  

The state of Oklahoma currently has a ban on medical transition for children. We support that children cannot consent to sterilization and that it is a human right to go through puberty without adult interference. 

Although these services can be accessed at age 18, gender affirming therapy is practiced on Oklahoma's most vulnerable children, including foster care and involuntary inpatient settings. This therapy is what plants the seeds and cements the new gender identity, which encourages the child to want to gain medical access at the age of 18. At this age, there is nothing that parents can do to prevent an unstable child from accessing lifelong medical care, sterilization, and painful side effects even though they are not capable of understanding the decisions that are being made. 

Even a child with no previous gender dysphoria, will be gender affirmed with new pronouns and names, within the Oklahoma adolescent mental health inpatient facilities. The parent may or may not be notified. You can request additional medical records from the facilities, which may or not be shared with you. 

There is a well-documented mental health crisis in Oklahoma that the state is trying to address. We want to address the shortage of beds and residential care for children with ideation. These children bounce in and out of 7–10 day acute inpatient stays, unable to access longer term care, which is needed.  This is traumatizing for the families, and often the child is exposed to more behavioral issues and over medicated. 

Our position is that if there is an increase of intensive outpatient (IOP) and partial hospitalization (PHP) programs, families could access help before an acute stay is required. This should be a private matter for the family and not centered around CDC guidelines, public school or government systems that require affirmation.
If there is a mental health crisis, the parent will not be able to decide which facility their child will be sent to. Nor will the child be allowed to leave the ER, until a bed has been found. If there is not a bed available, the state will pay for transport to a nearby state, if you can find a bed, depending upon different hospital guidelines. Gender identity concepts will be introduced in this setting even if your child is not dysphoric, nor have a diagnosis as such.  

Once admitted, the staff working with your child will gender affirm, you are not required to and do not have to go along with it. You can insist that they work on underlying mental health issues and counter any scripts like "live son, dead daughter".  Compassion and understanding for the child is of utmost importance. Affirm the distress, not the gender. 

The gender affirming, informed consent model can also be practiced within the educational setting with guidance from the school psychologists and counselors. Oklahoma has passed laws that the parent must be informed if the child has requested pronouns or name changes. 

Political nonprofits posing as mental health resources will be given to the child for further support. 
Sunrise over the Wheat Field
Advice from Experienced Parents and Detransitioners
Many children need help learning healthier coping skills for underlying issues. Parents also need help in learning the signs to differentiate between appropriate teen angst, identity formation and underlying mental health issues that often emerge and go undetected during the teen years.

Once these are in place, often there is no need for any labels or identities to hide behind.

The number one recommendation by parents is to remove the internet and social media for a digital detox. Families find that this issue has been the number one influence in their child's new gender confusion. Plus, it allows for more parental influence and bonding time with the distressed child.  When the phone is introduced, Gab and Pinwheel Phones are highly recommended. Parental monitoring apps are a must. 
Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to find a non-affirming therapist. A therapist must be well vetted by the family. Recommendations have been to visit with the therapist first and ask their views on this topic. Other websites that have been linked to share more in-depth. 
We want to emphasize compassion and understanding for the distress. 
Exploration of the mindy/body connection is helpful. They are being taught to dissociate from their body, instead of connecting with the distress to implement healthier coping skills. This is especially helpful during the "boomerang" process.
This is when the child starts to move and forth to detransition. With each boomerang, it is easier to identify the trigger and implement a new coping skill. Often times, removing the child from a bullying situation, a school that isn't meeting their needs, or a friend group serves well. 
There are therapies such as DBT and Somatic Therapy that are helpful, however hard to find in Oklahoma. Perhaps, something you can explore more in-depth.
Many parents share that they have developed diagnosed PTSD, from this experience, so make sure and take care of yourself too. 
Whether you are or are not a person of faith, there are counseling centers that have been very helpful in allowing the child to explore issues without using identity labels in the therapeutic setting. Religion does not need to be discussed. This is not conversion therapy to discuss underlying issues causing the distress. 

Recommended resources by parents for parents for learning more about mental health and parenting techniques.

Non affirming therapeutic programs:
House of Healing, El Reno OK Christian horse therapy program for teen girls

Books recommended by parents: 


Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters 


Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness 


When Kids Say Their Trans: A Guide for Parents


Desist, Detrans & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult


Rejected, Shamed, and Blamed: Help and Hope for Adults in the Family Scapegoat Role 

Transforming The Living Legacy of Trauma: A Workbook for Survivors and Therapists 

Understanding Girls with ADHD: How they feel and why they do what they do

The Explosive Child [Sixth Edition]: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children

The Bipolar Child (Third Edition): The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to Childhood's Most Misunderstood Disorder

The Bipolar Teen: What You Can Do to Help Your Child and Your Family

Hold On to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers 

Anxiety Sucks! A Teen Survival Guide (Teen Survival Guides Book 1)


Parenting Girls on the Autism Spectrum: Overcoming the Challenges and Celebrating the Gifts


Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Understanding Life Experiences from Early Childhood to Old Age Paperback 


Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate: A User Guide to an Asperger Life


Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns, and Abstractions


Resources for Mental Health Professionals
Gender Exploratory Therapy Association Membership Statement

Thoughtful Therapists | First do no harm

Therapists — Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) (

Recommended books to learn more about this epidemic before affirming a child, or to share with other mental health professionals. 

Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters 

Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness 

Desist, Detrans & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult

How do we find a non-affirming mental health professional, is the most common question asked by parents looking to help their child. 

The fact is that it is very difficult. This is a topic that most parents don't know how to research, and a lot of professionals are not forthcoming.
If you believe in an exploratory approach, in a compassionate non affirming setting, we would love the opportunity to speak with you.  

For faith communities: 


Talking to people across the state, it has become clear that there is a spiritual need within the faith community for those families and children dealing with the topic of identity. There is a disconnect between what is happening in the church culture, youth groups and the topic of gender identity. Peer influence is too strong with the pull of exploring identity and acceptance of a new gender language. We strongly recommend a multi-generational approach with a mentor program for youth. 



Resources for spiritual needs in topics of identity: 


Church Transgender Response Guide – Child & Parent Rights Campaign (


Anchored: A Bible Study on Self-Worth: Lee, Cindy R.: 9781091095854: Books


For the Body – My Seedbed



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